Khorake e Joojeh

Chicken Kebab

Joojeh Kabab (19)
Joojeh Kabab (22)Joojeh Kabab (20)Joojeh Kabab (19)Joojeh Kabab (17)Joojeh Kabab (15)Joojeh Kabab (14)

Product Description

Khorak e Joojeh  is roasted baby chicken  and is simply delicious. The chicken is marinated in lemon juice, onions, olive oil, safron, turmeric and salt and pepper overnight. If you are feeling adventourous you can add ginger and/or lemongrass in the marinade.

I prefer to roast the chicken whole and then cut it into pieces as opposed the traditional method of roasting in pieces.. The key is to consistently baste the chicken as it roasts with a mixture of butter, safron and lemon juice.


  • Baby chicken (coquelette)
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Safron
  • Turmeric
  • Butter
  • Slat & Pepper

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